#2 | EXPANDED: River Meandering as a Self-Organization Process

Thermal Curtain | Meandering River  (based upon an article written by Hans-Henrik Stølum, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK, in 1996.

Status: Focusing in on the form and material options for Concept #2, the Thermal Curtain. The concept is to create a 3-dimensional meandering river sculpture, which has the properties of being flat-collapsible, drape-able, and also infinitely expandable. The meandering river sculpture form will be based upon the writing of Hans-Henrik Stølum as well as advances in procedural mathematics which enable scientists to predict river morphology (ie, the sinuosity of a river's meanders, bends, and reaches).

Concept update: The river sculpture is to be fabricated in real-time in the exhibition space, over the duration of the show, by two robots. Ideally, the river should reach great length (ie, over 60 meters) and cascade out of the space's window(s), thus creating a 'waterfall' effect. This waterfall will serve as a thermal curtain to the facade of the building space. Inside of the exhibition hall, the river is designed to meander flexibly. Ideally, the river should flow up at least one of the exhibition hall walls, creating a similar waterfall/ curtain effect on the interior of the building. The river body itself should reach no greater than 1.3 meters in height.

Proposed Robotic Processes: Cutting material from two sides, stacking, gluing, and feeding material forwards.

Potential Materials: Corrugated Cardboard (sheets or rolls) and/ or Recyclable Corrugated Plastic (sheets or rolls)



Meandering River article. "Simulations of freely meandering rivers and empirical data show that the meandering process self-organizes the river morphology, or planform, into a critical state characterized by fractal geometry. The meandering process oscillates in space and time between a state in which the river planform is ordered and one in which it is chaotic. Clusters of river cutoffs tend to cause a transition between these two states and to force the system into stationary fluctuations around the critical state." Hans-Henrik Stølum, 1996

#3 | EXPANDED: Transformer Poulsen, Radically Pleated

#3 | Temporary Enclosure: UnFurling + Netted Lamp

Concept: This lamp unit is 'camouflaged' in it's purpose.  In the evening, the leaves/ tiers of the lamp can be unfolded so as to create a net/ tent in which one can sleep. The net itself is made from mosquito netting. This lamp unit does also serve as an actual lamp. The illumination of the lamp however will be provided by either LED lights, Fiber Optics, EL (Electroluminescent) wire, or phosphorescent materials.

Concept Update: To create a 'transformer" light. To transform a classic PH 5 & PH 50 Poulsen light into a classic PH Artichoke light through the use of mathematically generated folding and pleating patterns. The pleated material will be the netting (or, possibly the mesh from the Dew Harvesting Concept #1

Possible Materials: Acrylic sheet or cardboard, day-glo string, glow in the dark paint, mosquito netting

Updated References:
TreeMaker Software
Lamina Software
Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator, and other Origami Software
Procedural and Parametric Architecture
Origami in Science
Origami in Architecture
Curved Folding
Curved Folding 2 + 2a (graphica)
Curved Folding 3 
Curved Folding - Geometry of Bending

# 1 | Light Dew Harvesting Light

Concept: To create a multi-tiered, upsided-down lamp sculpture (for indoor or outdoor exhibition) that functions as a dew + condensation harvesting device. This sculpture structure may also function as a canopy surface and/ or a temporary indoor/ outdoor greenhouse. Solar panels can be included to power LED or fiber optic lighting at night. 

              WatAir Dew-Harvesting 'Web' Kit 
              Passive Dew Condensers made of plastic
Alt Usage: Dew water purifucation through passive solar (UV) exposure.

Possible Materials: Mylar, foil mesh, plastic, tubing
Power from: Solar Cell or Wind Generator
Light from: LEDs, EL (Electroluminescent) Wire or Panels, or Fiber Optics
Possible Fabrication Methods: Laser cut from 2 sides, weaving, stacking, gluing, or ?

#2 | Thermal Screen or "Curtain"

Concept: To create a complex 'wall/ surface' that is designed to support climbing plants as well as to act as a thermal screen/ barrier. A thermal screen has at least one reflective side that acts to insulate a space from extreme heat or cold as well as to maintain consistent temperatures and humidity within a space. This screen surface can double-purpose as walls for a temporary indoor/ outdoor greenhouse. Indoors, the screen could be made partially from 'seed paper'. This is a hand-made paper with plant seeds embedded in it. Scraps of this paper may be planted in soil - from which plants will grow. Solar panels may be included to power LED lighting at night.

 Links:  Thermal reflecting screens, Hortisystems Products, Gintec Retractable Thermal Screen, The Tracker Thermal Screen,  The Tracker Thermal Screen 2
Alt Usage: Rain Collection Wall, for rain water purification through passive solar (UV) exposure.

Possible Materials: Wood, laser cut metal, mylar, plastic, clear tubing
Power from: Solar Cell or Wind Generator
Light from: LEDs, EL (Electroluminescent) Wire or Panels, or Fiber Optics
Possible Fabrication Methods: Laser cut from
both sides, weaving, stacking, gluing, or ?

#3 | Temporary Enclosure: UnFurling + Netted Lamp

Concept: This lamp unit is 'camouflaged' in it's purpose. It has the shape of a classic PH 3/4 Poulsen light. In the evening, the leaves/ tiers of the lamp can be unfolded so as to create a net/ tent in which one can sleep. The net itself is made from mosquito netting.

This lamp unit does also serve as an actual lamp. The illumination of the lamp however will be provided by either LED lights, Fiber Optics, EL (Electroluminescent) wire, or phosphorescent materials.

Possible Materials: Wood, day-glo string, glow in the dark plastic/ paint, mosquito netting: Mosquito net + True Hat Tents: one and two
Power from: Solar Cell or Wind Generator
Light from: LEDs, EL Wire or EL Panels, phosphorescent materials, or Fiber Optics
Possible Methods: Folding, Cutting, Gluing, or ?